1 February 2024

For the first time, the MCO is curating a school festival in Berlin that delves into the theme of "Heimat."

Entitled Welcome Home! A Festival about finding the place where you belong, this inaugural event is tailored for students aged 13 to 19 years and is scheduled to take place at Silent Green in Berlin this April.

Inspired by the school concerts featuring the works of Bartók, Shostakovich, and Mozart that we have previously performed in Hamburg and Ludwigsburg, the festival draws upon the MCO's own internationality. In addition to three school concerts, the festival will feature an art exhibition, readings, and various workshops. Together, these activities will enable participants to consider not only what home and belonging mean for themselves but also for the wider community.

School classes from Berlin and the surrounding areas have been invited to actively participate in and contribute to the festival.

Participation is free of charge, but prior registation until 29 February 2024 is madatory. 

Interested teachers and schools can request more information and register per email: heimat@mahlerchamber.com

Discover more in our latest video, here


Generously supported by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.