F. MENDELSSOHN BARTHOLDY excerpts from A Midsummer Night's Dream
- Mahler Chamber Orchestra
- Matthew Truscott concertmaster & leader
The Mahler Chamber Orchestra returns to Ludwigsburg with an innovative project. Following last year's thought-provoking exploration of sustainability in "Les Adieux," we return with our virtual reality project "Future Presence".
Three days long, the audience at the Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele is invited to immersive themselves in a magical dreamworld created by William Shakespeare, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy and the MCO. In "Future Presence III: Mendelssohn Orchestra", we can present a full orchestra playing excerpts from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" as an immersive experience. With the help of VR goggles and headphones, the listener can experience the theatre, music and orchestra from a never before seen closeness.
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- Sponsored by the Federal Government for Culture and the Media, with support from experimente#digital by Aventis Foundation.